“Aislados del mundo mucho más que antes”. Distancias y comunicaciones en Malvinas durante la Gran Guerra (1914-1918). La experiencia del padre Mario Migone a través de su correspondencia
Salesianos, Misión, Comunicaciones, Administración, CorreoAbstract
This article approaches the strategies deployed by salesian father Mario Luis Migones to circumvent the isolation and difficulties for communication of the catholic mission in Malvinas Islands due to the Great War (1914-1918). The core sources for the research are Migone’s unpublished letters, found in the Correspondence section from the Archivo Histórico Salesiano Argentina Sur, Sede CABA. These are complemented with a chronicle written by Migone and published in 1948 posthumously, titled 33 años de vida malvinera and documents from the islands’ British aministration’s Jane Cameron National Achives. The article dialogues with both studies of the salesians (in the first decades of their settlement in Patagonia) and of the history of the Malvinas (respecting communication and the English goverment of the islands).
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